
Showing results 601 - 620 out of 737


Staszyk, C., Bassett, E., Tao, H., Hui, H., Ke, W., Jacob, H.-G., & Gasse, H. (2005). Three-dimensional remodeling of the hard substances of the equine cheek teeth; a first Step to finite ele-ment stress analysis on the tooth and on the periodontal ligament. In 100. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (pp. 179).
Trabelsi, A. (2005). Automotive Reibwertprognose zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn. In Fortschritt-Berichte VDI: Nr. 608 (Vol. 12). VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf.
Trabelsi, A., Heimann, B., Kendziorra, N., & Harting, H.-J. (2005). Automotive Road State Estimation. In Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices
Trabelsi, A., Heimann, B., Kendziorra, N., & Harting, H.-J. (2005). Detection of Slippery Road-Tire Conditions. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conference on Machine Intelligence, ACIDCA-ICMI 2005
Tutarel, O., Norozi, K., Hornung, O., Orhan, G., Wübbolt-Lehmann, P., Wessel, A., & Yelbuz, T. M. (2005). Cardiac failure in the chick embryo resembles heart failure in humans. In Circulation Vol 2005, 2005(112), 352-353.
Weidemann, D., Scherm, N., Heimann, B., & Abdellatif, H. (2005). Nonlinear discrete-time control approaches for underactuated manipulators. In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05 (pp. 4379-4384). Article 1582851 IEEE.
Weidemann, D., Eilers, H., Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (2005). Zeitdiskrete Bahnplanung mit variabler Abtastzeit basierend auf Sensitivitätsfunktionen am Beispiel eines unteraktuierten Manipulators. In A. Gräser, & B. Lohmann (Eds.), Methods and applications in automation, proceedings of the 25th and 26th Colloquium of Automation Shaker Verlag.
Yelbuz, T. M., Tutarel, O., Norozi, K., Hornung, O., Orhan, G., Wübbolt-Lehmann, P., & Wessel, A. (2005). A time-lapse study of direct visualization of the embryonic and cardiovascular development in the chick embryo in shell-less culture over 9 days. In Proc. of 12th Annual Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference


Abdellatif, H., Benimelli, F., Heimann, B., & Grotjahn, M. (2004). Direct Identification of Dynamic Parameters for Parallel Manipulators. In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics 2004, MechRob2004 (pp. 999-1005).
Blume, H., Abdellatif, H., Heimann, B., & Trabelsi, A. (2004). Mechatronical Aspects of Vehicle-Roadway Interaction. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Mechatronics Technology, ICMT 2004 (pp. 121-126).
Blume, H., & Gutzeit, F. (2004). Serviceroboter ermittelt Reibwerte von Gummi: Technologie-Informationen niedersächsischer Hochschulen. In Fahrzeugtechnik, Technologie-Informationen niedersächsischer Hochschulen (Vol. 2004, pp. 6).
Denkena, B., Holz, C., Abdellatif, H., Imiela, J., & Mohring, H.-C. (2004). Control of the Parallel Kinematics with Linear Direct Drives PaLiDA with Feedforward Linearization. In Proc. of the 14th Int. Conference on Flexible Automation Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2004 (pp. 315-321).
Denkena, B., Grendel, H., & Holz, C. (2004). Model Based Feedforward and State Control of the Parallel Kinematics PaLiDA. In Proc. of the 4th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar (pp. 185-202)
Denkena, B., Jacobsen, J., Heimann, B., Schütte, O., Gruzdzinski, K., & Bodnar, A. (2004). Suppression of Grinding Chatter using Infeed Drives. In Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Production Engineering; APE '04 (pp. 191-200).
Grotjahn, M., Heimann, B., Kühn, J., & Grendel, H. (2004). Dynamics of robots with Parallel Kinematic Structure. In Proc. of the 11th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (pp. 1689-1693).
Grotjahn, M., & Heimann, B. (2004). Friction and Rigid-Body Identification of Parallel Kinematic Structures. In Proc. of 8th Pan American Congress of Apllied Mechanics, PACAM VIII
Grotjahn, M., Heimann, B., & Abdellatif, H. (2004). Identification of Friction and Rigid-Body Dynamics of Parallel Kinematic Structures for Model-Based Control. Multibody system dynamics, 11(3), 273-294.
Grotjahn, M., Abdellatif, H., & Heimann, B. (2004). Path Accuracy Improvement of Parallel Kinematic Structures by Identification of Friction and Rigid-Body Dynamics. In Proc. Of the Parallel Kinematics Seminar, PKS2004 (pp. 217-236).
Härtel, V., Harting, H.-J., Heimann, B., Kilsch, A., Schröder, C., & Trabelsi, A. (2004). Verfahren zur Ermittlung des Kraftschlussbeiwertes zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn. In Continental AG. Deutsches Patentamt, DE10251381C1
Heimann, B., Grotjahn, M., & Kühn, J. (2004). Friction and Rigid-Body Identification of Robots with Parallel Kinematic Structures. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Mechatronics Technology, ICMT 2004 (pp. 87-92).