Zeige Ergebnisse 661 - 680 von 737
Ruskowski, M., Reicke, L., & Popp, K. (2003). Compliance Cancellation for a Magnetic Guide using a Smart Active Vibration Control Algorithm. JSME International Journal, (46).
Tönshoff, H. K., Denkena, B., Jacobson, J., Heimann, B., Schütte, O., Grudzinski, K., & Bodnar, A. (2003). Nonlinear Dynamics of an External Cylindrical Grinding System and a Strategy for Chatter Compensation. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Symposium on Investigation of Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems (S. 187-207).
Weidemann, D., Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (2003). Discrete-Time Control of Underactuated Manipulation Systems By Nonlinear Online Optimisation. In Proc. of the 9th IEEE Int. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (S. 937-946).
Weidemann, D., Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (2003). Discrete-Time Planning and Control of a Highly Underactuated Manipulator. Journal of Machine Intelligence and Robotic Control (MIRoC), 4, 89-98.
Abdellatif, H., Weidemann, D., Michaelsen, A., Grotjahn, M., & Heimann, B. (2002). Control of the Omnidirectional Mobile Robot MARGe. In Proc. of the 14th Int. CISM-IFToMM Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, RoManSy14 (S. 101-108).
Blume, H., Heimann, B., & Lindner, M. (2002). Design of an Outdoor Mobile Platform for Friction Measurement on Street Surfaces. In Proc. of the Int. Colloquium on Autonomous and Mobile Systems, Frauenhofer IRB (S. 65-68).
Grotjahn, M., & Heimann, B. (2002). Compensation of Friction in Robot Dynamics. Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in engineering Sciences. vol. 4: Recent Developments in Nonlinear Phenomena, 4, 271-280.
Grotjahn, M., & Grendel, H. (2002). Design and Model-based Control of a Hexapod System. In Proc. of 1st Int. Symposium on Mechatronics, ISoM2002 (S. 108-117).
Grotjahn, M., Kühn, J., Heimann, B., & Grendel, H. (2002). Dynamic Equations of Parallel Robots in Minimal Dimensional Parameter. In Proc. of the 14th Int. CISM-IFToMM Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (S. 67-76).
Grotjahn, M., & Heimann, B. (2002). Model-based Feedforward Control in Industrial Robotics. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 21(1), 45-60.
Heimann, B., & Lorenz, M. (2002). Entwicklung semi-aktiven Dämpfungselementen mit regelbaren Reibkontakt für Motorlager. In Merker, G.P. (Hrsg.): ZFKS Statusbericht 2002 Pro Business GmbH..
Heimann, B., & Abdellatif, H. (2002). Identifikation dynamischer Fahrzeugmodelle. In Merker, G.P. (Hrsg.): ZFKS Statusbericht 2002 Pro Business GmbH..
Huber, G., Lorenz, M., Bohn, C., & Härtel, V. (2002). Active cancellation of structure borne engine vibrations in passenger cars with thin piezoceramic plate actuators. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on New Actuators, Actuator 2002
Jacob, H.-G., & Besdo, D. (2002). Berücksichtigung orthotroper Struktureigenschaften von Polyamid-Fäden als Verstärkungsmaterial im Gummi-Verbund. In 110. Norddeutsches Mechanikkolloquium
Jacob, H.-G., & Besdo, D. (2002). Berücksichtigung orthotroper Struktureingenschaften von Polyamid-Fäden als Verstärkungsmaterial im Gummi-Verbund. In 110. Norddeutsches Mechanikkolloquium
Ruskowski, M., Reicke, L., & Popp, K. (2002). Enhanced Steady State Stiffness for a Magnetic Guide using Smart Disturbance Compensation. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (S. 1098-1103).
Ruskowski, M., & Popp, K. (2002). Improved Position Control of a Magnetic Guide using Acceleration Measurement and a Laser Position Reference. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (S. 305-310).
Tönshoff, H.-K., Grendel, H., & Grotjahn, M. (2002). Modelling and Control of a Linear Direct Driven Hexapod. In Proc. of the 3rd Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar: Development Methods and Application Experience of Parallel Kinematics (S. 335-350).
Weidemann, D., Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (2002). Multi-rate Control of a 3 DOF-Manipulator with 2 Passive Joints. In Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Multi-body Systems and Mechatronics
Gröger, M., Sepp, W., Ortmaier, T., & Hirzinger, G. (2001). Reconstruction of Image Structure in Presence of Specular Reflections. In B. Radig, & S. Florczyk (Hrsg.), Pattern Recognition : 23rd DAGM Symposium Munich, Germany, September 12–14, 2001 Proceedings (S. 53-60). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Band 2191). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45404-7_8