Zeige Ergebnisse 681 - 700 von 719
Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (2000). Dynamics and Control of Underactuated Manipulation Systems: A Discrete-time Approach. Journal of Robotic and Autonomous Systems, 30, 237-248.
Schütte, O., & Heimann, B. (2000). On the Dynamics of Chatter Vibrations in External Cylindrical Grinding. In Proc. Of the 8th ISROMAC Congress (S. 892-900).
Tönshoff, H. K., Kummnetz, J., Schütte, O., Heimann, B., & Grudzinski, K. (2000). On the Nonlinear Dynamics in External Cylindrical Grinding - Experimental and Simulation of Process, Structure and Feed Drives. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Systems of Production Engineering
Grotjahn, M., & Heimann, B. (1999). Prediction of Dynamic Path Errors for Industrial Robots. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD99 (S. 77-82).
Grotjahn, M., Heimann, B., & Thiemann, A. (1999). Reduction of Path Errors for Industrial Robots by Trajectory Precorrection. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, ICRAM99 (S. 46-51).
Heimann, B. (1999). Friction and Rigid Body Identification of Robot Dynamics. In Proc. of 6th Pan American Congress of Apllied Mechanics (S. 1557-1560)
Ruskowski, M., Popp, K., Tönshoff, H. K., & Lapp, C. (1999). Auslegung einer Werkzeugmaschine mit kontaktloser Achse. In Tagungsband 4. Magdeburger Maschinenbautage (S. 105-112).
Scherm, N., & Heimann, B. (1999). Discrete-Time Control of Underactuated Manipulation Systems. In Proc. Of the 10th IFToMM World Congress (S. 990-996).
Schütte, O., & Heimann, B. (1999). On the Dynamic Friction Coefficient in Cylindrical Grinding. In Proc. Of the 10th IFToMM World Congress (S. 2186-2191).
Tönshoff, H. K., Kaak, R., Lapp, C., & Ruskowski, M. (1999). Design and Simulation of Two Coupled High-Dynamic Axes with Linear Direct Drives and Linear Magnetic Guides. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conference on High Speed Machining (S. 263-267).
Daemi, M. (1998). Modellierung und Berechnung eines Industrieroboters. In B. Heimann, W. Gerth, & K. Popp (Hrsg.), Mechatronik, Komponenten -- Methoden -- Beispiele Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien.
Daemi, M. (1998). Modellierung und Identifikation der Dynamik von Industrierobotern für den Einsatz in Regelungen: Identifikation der Dynamik von Robotern. In VDI Fortschritt-Berichte (Band 8). VDI-Verl.
Frischgesell, T., Popp, K., & Reckmann, H. (1998). Regelung eines elastischen Fahrwegs unter Verwendung eines variablen Beobachters. In Technische Mechanik (S. 45-55). Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien.
Heimann, B. (1998). Feedback Linearization of Underatuated Manipulation Systems. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, ICAM98 (S. 163-167).
Heimann, B., Gerth, W., & Popp, K. (1998). Mechatronik: Komponenten - Methoden - Beispiele. Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien.
Heimann, B., & Daemi, M. (1998). Separation of Friction and Rigid Body Identification for Industrial Robots. In Proc. of the 12th CISM-IFToMM Int. Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, RoManSy98 (S. 35-43).
Reckmann, H., & Schütte, O. (1998). Modellierung und Regelung eines elastischen Fahrwegs. In B. Heimann, W. Gerth, & K. Popp (Hrsg.), Mechatronik, Komponenten -- Methoden -- Beispiele (S. 358-373). Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien.
Ruskowski, M., & Popp, K. (1998). A Contactless Axis for High Speed Cutting Machines. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (S. 1095-1099).
Ruskowski, M., & Popp, K. (1998). Adaptive Levitation Control of a Linear Maglev Guide for Machine Tools. In Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (S. 307-310).
Schütte, O., & Heimann, B. (1998). Contact Models of External Cylindrical Grinding. In Machine Dynamics Problems (Band 20, S. 245-262).