Institute of Mechatronic Systems Studies Master Lectures
Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery

Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery

The Institute of Mechatronics Systemes offers the course "Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery" in close corporation with department of otolaryngology of the Medical School of Hannover as well as the clinic for gastroenterology, endoscopy and metabolic diseases of the DIAKOVERE Henriettenstift.

The course discusses in detail the medical workflow of a computer assisted navigated surgery and the necessary tools. All steps of the workflow are analysed in a theoretical way, and, thereafter, applied in practical exercises. The lecture is concluded by a visit of the operation room of the otolaryngology department

Topics (subject to alterations)

The course covers all steps of mechatronic assisted surgery, including image processing, image registration, navigation, cumputer and robot assisted surgery, minimally invasive surgery.

In detail the following topics are discussed:

  • Modern surgical therapy concepts and resulting requirements
  • Medical image acquisition and processing
  • Clinical usage of imaging modalities
  • Computer and image assisted planning of surgical interventions
  • Intraoperative navigation
  • Mechatronic and robot assisted surgery
  • Special requirements for medical robots (risk analysis, standards, etc.)
  • Current trends and upcoming systems

Special features

The lecture is given in cooperation with the clinic for otolaryngogy of the Medical School of Hannover as well as the clinic for gastroenterology, endoscopy and metabolic diseases of the DIAKOVERE Henriettenstift. Additionally computer excersises and the demonstration of medical devices are planned. A visit of the operating rooms at the Medical School of Hannover and further medical facilities is also part of the lecture.


Documents, slides and additional literature will be uploaded to StudIP. All participants are kindly asked to register there.

Surgery Visit at the MHH

Also in this semester, there will again be a surgical visit to the MHH, in which the operating rooms of the ENT clinic are visited. The participants were able to participate in several surgeries during their stay and to follow the surgical procedure live.

Exact dates will be announced in the course of the lecture!


  • Date:  21.02.2019   8:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Place:  MZ1 (Appelstr. 9A, building 3408), F102 (Welfengarten 1, building 1101). The room distribution will be announced in Stud.IP.
  • Type: written
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • erlaubte Hilfsmittel: writing utensils, dictionary, if applicable, a calculator is not permitted, no own paper (paper is provided)

A valid student ID and an official photo ID are required in addition to the permitted aids.

consultation hour for the exam will be offered on 13.02.2019 from 9:00 am - 10:00 amroom A301 (Appelstr. 11a, building 3403).


  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Ortmaier
  • Term: summer term
  • Lectures: 
    Wednesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am, room B305 (Welfengarten 1, building 1101).
  • Tutorials:
    The tutorials are given every (approx.) second week on Wednesday 10:15 am - 11:45 am, room B305 (Welfengarten 1, building 1101). The duration of 90 minutes is necessary due to time intensive practical demonstrations (e.g. usage of a navigation system). Dates are announced in the lecture and on StudIP.


M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen