
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 80 von 737


Rose, A. (2023). Modellbasierte Steuerung von quasi-diskreten Batch-Prozessen auf Basis physikalischer und datenbasierter Modelle. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Schäfke, H., Lampe, N., & Kortmann, K.-P. (2023). Transformer Neural Networks for Maximum Friction Coefficient Estimation of Tire-Road Contact using Onboard Vehicle Sensors. In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2023 (S. 5331-5338). (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control).
Schappler, M. (2023). Pose Optimization of Task-Redundant Robots in Second-Order Rest-to-Rest Motion with Cascaded Dynamic Programming and Nullspace Projection. In O. Gusikhin, K. Madani, & H. Nijmeijer (Hrsg.), Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (S. 106-131). (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Band 1006 LNEE). Springer.
Schwarz, C., & Ewering, J.-H. (2023). Method and Device for the Computer-Implemented Regulation of a Braking System of a Rail Vehicle. (Patent Nr. EP000004403425A1).
Schweitzer, R., Doering, M., Seel, T., Raisch, J., & Rolfs, M. (2023). Saccadic omission revisited: What saccade-induced smear looks like. (bioRxiv). Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Seo, J., Prakash, N. P. S., Choi, J., Horowitz, R., & Rose , A. (2023). Geometric Impedance Control on SE(3) for Robotic Manipulators. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2), 276-283.,
Sterneck, T., Fettin, J., & Schappler, M. (2023). Task-Specific Synthesis and Design of a Mobile Six-DoF Hexa Parallel Robot for Weed Control. In V. Petuya, G. Quaglia, T. Parikyan, & G. Carbone (Hrsg.), Proceedings of I4SDG Workshop 2023 (S. 105-114). (Mechanisms and Machine Science; Band 134 ). Springer.,
Volkmann, B., Kortmann, K.-P., & Seel, T. (2023). Friction and Road Condition Estimation using Bayesian Networks. In H. Ishii, Y. Ebihara, J. Imura, & M. Yamakita (Hrsg.), 22nd IFAC World Congress (2 Aufl., Band 56, S. 854-861). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Band 56, Nr. 2).
Volkmann, B., & Kortmann, K.-P. (2023). Friction and Road Condition Estimation using Dynamic Bayesian Networks. In 2023 IEEE Symposium Sensor Data Fusion and International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (SDF-MFI) (International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration for Intelligent Systems). IEEE.
Ziaukas, Z. (2023). Echtzeitfähige Schätzung dynamischer Zustände im Sattelzug. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Landesinitiative n-21: Schulen in Niedersachsen online e. V. , Krugel, J. A. (Hrsg.), Lilge, T., Becker, M., Bartholdt, M. N., Oel, F., May, I., Bersiner, M., Dos Anjos, V., Tekaya, A., Strating, H., Rokossa, D., Egbers, R., Icken, F., Auf der Landwehr, M., Albersmann, J., Röben, P., Wallhoff, F., Landherr, J., ... Neiß-Theuerkauff, T. (2023). Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz.


Badilla Solórzano, J., Spindeldreier, S., Ihler, S., Gellrich, N.-C., & Spalthoff, S. (2022). Deep-learning-based instrument detection for intra-operative robotic assistance. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 17(9), 1685-1695.
Böttcher-Rebmann, G., Schell, V., Budde, L., Zuniga, M. G., Baier, C., Lenarz, T., & Rau, T. S. (2022). A Tool to Enable Intraoperative Insertion Force Measurements for Cochlear Implant Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(5), 1643-1650.
Budde, L., Ihler, S., Spindeldreier, S., Lücking, T., Meyer, T., Zimmermann, W.-H., & Bodenschatz, E. (2022). A Six Degree of Freedom Extrusion Bioprinter. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 8(2), 137-140.
Ehlers, S. F. G., Sourkounis, P. K., Ziaukas, Z., Kobler, J. P., & Jacob, H.-G. (2022). Optimized Tuning of an EKF for State and Parameter Estimation in a Semitrailer. In Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control - AVEC'22
Ehlers, S. F. G., Ziaukas, Z., Kobler, J.-P., & Jacob, H.-G. (2022). State and Parameter Estimation in a Semitrailer for Different Loading Conditions Only Based on Trailer Signals. In Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (S. 2353-2360). (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; Band 2022-June). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Eugster, S., Harsch, J., Bartholdt, M. N., Herrmann, M., Wiese, M., & Capobianco, G. (2022). Soft Pneumatic Actuator Model Based on a Pressure-Dependent Spatial Nonlinear Rod Theory. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 2471-2478.
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Fehsenfeld, M. J., Kühn, J., Ziaukas, Z., & Jacob, H.-G. (2022). Comparison of Different Excitation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Belt Drives: Industrial Application Scenarios. In G. Gini, H. Nijmeijer, W. Burgard, & D. P. Filev (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (S. 177-184)
Fehsenfeld, M. J., Kühn, J., Ziaukas, Z., & Jacob, H.-G. (2022). Multisine Input Design for Active Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis of Belt Drives. In 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (S. 480-485). (IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics; Band 2022-June).